Friday, 28 January 2011

Report now available

African language publishing for children: where next? is now available for downloading from:
The findings are based on:
• an analysis of the materials included in the 2007 PASA Writing in Nine Tongues catalogue and its 2008 and 2009 supplements and the 2008 Catalogue of South African Literature published by the Department of Arts and Culture
• interviews with key players in the book industry, including a wide range of publishers, writers,authors, translators, educationalists, book distributors, booksellers and organizations involved in book promotion
• feedback and discussion at a workshop held at Museum Africa, Johannesburg, as part of National Book Week, September 2010.
This report offers an independent perspective on the state of African language publishing for children in South Africa today based on an analysis of current resources. It synthesises the views of key players in the book value chain on both opportunities for and obstacles to further development.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was very excited to read about this publication. However, I was also a little disappointed that the geographical focus is relatively narrow.

I have recently completed the co-writing and editing of three books for teaching literacy in Hausa, Northern Nigeria, and was hoping to learn about similar experiences and expertise in West Africa. The Hausa books will be published by Macmillan/NNPC (Zaria)later this year, and will be widely used in Northern Nigerian primary schools.

Is there any possibility of a follow-up project, reviewing literacy and reading in West Africa?

Dr Mary Anderson